Tobby Hatley and Associates is a creative and innovative communications consulting firm that differs from the dozens of regional agencies already specializing in marketing, advertising and Website development. THA concentrates on specific areas where Inland Northwest businesspeople and companies continue to experience new and unique communications challenges.
Issues Management:
More than just media relations and PR. It is about listening and understanding all aspects of an issue in order to communicate, manage and advance your organization’s activities, initiatives and policies.
Governmental Affairs:
Tracking and moving issues through the public arena. This includes political and public policy initiatives such as the recently successful $43 million Spokane Parks bond issue that I was hired to consult. The result was a landslide 68% approval for the largest parks bond in Spokane’s history.
On-line and New Media:
Developing effective strategies that work in the digital and on-line realms is more important than ever as traditional communication efforts grow less effective. I’ll help you advance your goals, initiatives and ideas in the emerging and evolving on-line world.
Media and Presentation Strategies:
There is no reason to fear the media or public speaking. My 30 years of media experience can help you and your staffs learn what news organizations want and how to work with the media. I can also help you create non-sleep inducing public presentation programs. |