Getting it Said. Getting it Done
Tobby Hatley & Associates is dynamic firm providing strategic consultation, communication, and public representation. Our Service Focus breaks down into four major categories critical to help our clients succeed: Issues Advocacy and Management, Reputation Management, Breakthrough Communications, and Media Driving.
Issues Advocacy and Management

Persuading decision makers and opinion leaders to support your organization’s ideas and activities is more than just sending out news releases, buying lunch and shaking a few hands. Getting things done in both the public and private sectors requires careful listening, understanding your goals, providing the right information and creating the best approach. Tobby Hatley and Associates has the knowledge and experience to effectively advocate, manage and guide your issues and initiatives through today’s challenging business and governmental arenas. This includes:
• Listening carefully to clearly understand your issues and goals in public policy, governmental affairs and land use.
• Working closely with you to identify and create relationships with the people in the public and private sectors who directly affect your issues.
• Creating clear and honest communication paths among clients, decision makers and opinion leaders.
• Identifying and understanding local, state and national economic and policy factors that affect your company.
• Helping you developing the right approach using the best tactics to improve your issue’s positioning.
On-Line Reputation Management
As the Internet continues to grow in importance to the bottom line it becomes ever more vital that you pay attention to your on-line reputation. Standard PR tactics don’t work in cyberspace; this constantly evolving medium calls for new ways of engaging your growing numbers of on-line customers and potential clients. You also have to prove to your on-line audiences that your company or organization is open, honest and credible. THA can help your on-line Reputation Management efforts by:
• Helping you monitor what is being said about you in cyberspace.
• Working with you to successfully engage the on-line community.
• Creating blogging strategies.
• Helping you write creatively for on-line audiences.
• Developing effective multi-media Internet strategies.
Breakthrough Communications
The communications landscape has not only changed---it’s been blown apart. Traditional methods of advancing your issues and explaining your initiatives and positions become less effective every day. The digital world is taking over which means you need new ideas, innovative strategies and a communications consultant who understands how to make content and technology work together. Tobby Hatley and Associates has deep experience in both traditional and new media and will design the right solution to achieve the best possible outcomes. THA accomplishes this by:
• Helping you create vital and compelling Web based and other digital strategies that integrate with your overall communications efforts.
• Working with clients to use technology as a cost effective alternative to traditional communications methods.
• Creating the right strategies and tactics to help you and your company succeed in the digital domain.
• Producing Web videos, blogs and vlogs.
• Developing social networking strategies that work.
Media Driving
A lot has changed in the 30 years since my first media job: DVRs have replaced film, wireless no longer means a radio and who needs a teletype when you have the Web? Technology allows us to relate messages and ideas faster and more efficiently than ever. But regardless of whether you click your mouse, download a video or update your personal home page good communications still means gathering the right information, putting it into a workable form and using the best available media to reach your desired audiences. Tobby Hatley and Associates draws from three decades of experience to help you design and create strategies and tactics that work across today’s diverse media spectrum.
• Communications and presentation training to help you understand and work with broadcast and on-line media outlets or in live settings.
• Producing, writing and editing videos or training presentations for TV, the Web or live distribution. |